

Add Your Book Image to a Goodreads Post


12008901_sI know you want to put one of your gorgeous book covers on your Goodreads posts but it requires that accursed word “coding.” Despite that, it actually isn’t that complicated.

Here’s the code you can use.

<img src=”link” width=300/>

Include the arrows and everything between.

  • Replace “link” with your actual link.
  • Replace 300 with your desired width in pixels.

Link: This is the link to your image somewhere else on the internet (like your blog post!). Be sure it ends in .jpg or .gif. That is how you know you truly have the image url.

Width: You can change the size of your image by adjusting the width, The height will also change relative to the width. So with that one parameter you can control the size of your image.

Voila! Now you can post pretty pictures of your book covers in Goodreads.

Just be careful to only post on the Author sections of the Goodreads groups, because those Group Admins will go after you in seek and destroy mode. Whew. I’m not afraid of much, but I’m afraid of them.

I’d like to take a moment to publicly thank all coders for being so open about sharing /teaching code to us non-techies. I never would have figured out even that small little thing by myself, and so I pass on the love to future generations.


October 10th, 2015|Publishing|991 Comments


As a clear show of my geekiness, I’ll admit to loving the business end of being an author, including marketing and social media. In fact, it would be quite true to say I study it. All the cogs and wheels fascinate me.

  • If you share my love, you might want to read this section for the joy of it.
  • If you absolutely abhor the business end, you still might want to read these posts as they might give you ideas that you can put to use without having to study the market.

Either way, I hope you will find these posts useful.

September 14th, 2015|Publishing|Comments Off on Publishing

Authors, Why You Should Retweet Your Book Bloggers!



Chances are you have quite a few book bloggers on your Twitter feed that you’ve been neglecting. Instead, I suggest that you support your book bloggers, especially those who blog books in your genre. I’m not talking about authors who also have blogs or book bloggers who charge for reviews. I’m talking about good old fashioned book bloggers who read books or hear about books and talk about them to their people.

Why should you support them?

  • They love books. The world simply needs more people who love books. In fact, they are so passionate about books they can’t stop talking about them.
  • They instill a love of reading to the general public. We need more readers!
  • Your readers want to hear from them. You can’t write enough books to keep your readers busy all year long. So keep them entertained with other great content.

But what do you get out of it? As my Grandfather would say, you get ‘nutin’ . . . Well, maybe not exactly nothing.

  • You get the appreciation of your readers.
  • You further solidify the community interest in reading.
  • If you retweet your bloggers all year long, they see your name and your books and it might inspire them to review YOUR book. No guarantee on this though as the best book bloggers operate outside of author influence.
  • If they follow you back on Twitter, which I’m sure they will, they’ll see your sales and new releases and they might post about it. Again, no guarantee.

But if you don’t start the relationship, you’ll never know what benefits might come of it. So take some time to examine your follower list and identify your book bloggers. Add them to a Twitter list, then make a point of retweeting them.


It isn’t all on us authors. I’ve been looking through my blogger list and I see a general lack of uniformity on book blog posts. I use an automated retweeting service and I want to retweet your book blog posts to my 19K followers. But I can only do this if you use a hashtag that my retweeting service can find.

Based on this article, and comparing to the metrics on, I believe the best hashtags to use are:

  • #bookbloggers
  • #bookreview

#blog also gets a lot of retweets but it is way too general. It could be a blog about luxury cars and I don’t want to retweet that. I’m absolutely retweeting #bookbloggers and #bookreview though because I know my readers want to hear about that.

Be careful about the plural forms because #bookbloggers gets lots of retweets but #bookblogger gets hardly any. Likewise #bookreview gets lots of retweets, but #bookreviews gets hardly any.


If you use an automated retweeting service (like, I suggest you add those hashtags to the service as part of your regular retweeting schedule. Or, for a low tech solution, you can add your bloggers to a Twitter list and just check it occasionally.


I suggest you use those hashtags on your book review posts so we can find them and retweet them.

Authors and Bloggers,

Please retweet this tweet to get the word out! 
P.S. If you’re a book blogger who blogs Urban Fantasy or Paranormal Romance, I want to retweet you. So let me know.
P.P.S. Isn’t that book image on my post soooo cool. It’s a book that can be read six different ways!
Happy blogging and retweeting!

Lilo Abernathy
Author, Book Lover, Retweeter

May 18th, 2015|Author World, Publishing|472 Comments

Curiosity Killed The Cat: The Kindle Daily Deal Selection Process


siamese-468814_1280I’ve been asked several times, “How did you get selected for the Kindle Daily Deal?” So, I thought a blog post would be the most efficient way to share the answer.

The short answer is easy. “I don’t know.” I must have won a lottery of some sort. I do have some speculation, which I’ll share later, but here’s how it went down.

The Initial Notification

In September, I received a letter from Amazon asking me to agree to participate in a special they would run sometime before the end of the year. I had to agree to allow them to mark my book down up to 85%. They didn’t say exactly what the promotion was, or when it would happen, or even if it would happen for sure. They also warned me that I couldn’t place my book on sale a certain number of days before, or after. So naturally, without a date from them, that meant I couldn’t put my book on sale at all. 

The Agonizing Wait

And naturally, being completely at the mercy of their massive promotional machinery, I said, “YES!!!!!!” Then I checked my email, and checked my email, check, check, check . . . You get the point. I was on verge of despair as it had been well over 90 days since my last Kindle Countdown Promotion and my numbers were dropping. Alright, it wasn’t really despair, but I was less than pleased about the whole “submit and don’t ask questions” thing.

And then, glory of glories, I got the response! It’s really a blur at this point. I was, perhaps, in a bit of shock that it actually happened. I’m going to copy the dry content of their messages below for authors who are really interested.

So how did I get picked?

I didn’t sign up and they didn’t tell me why they picked me. But here are a few key factors that I suspect were involved.

  • For the previous two months, my rank had been floating between 2500 – 5000 on its own, without promotion. If I were Amazon, I wouldn’t give this coveted spot out unless there was proof the book was well performing to start with. After all, why promote a book that won’t sell?
  • My rating is 4.7 stars and most of my 153 reviews contain explicit requests for the next book. If I were Amazon I wouldn’t want to promote a book that was getting bad reviews. So the better the rating the better the chance, I’d think.
  • My book cover looks fabulous! Thank you Ravven for the gorgeous art! And, my heroine is fully clothed. I am certainly no prude, but if I were Amazon I would want great book art on my site and I wouldn’t want to send mass emails out with half-clothed people on the cover, out of respect for the variety of tastes of customers.
  • My price is $4.99. I don’t think they list lower priced books in Kindle Daily Deal often. This makes sense to me because people wouldn’t feel they were getting a great deal otherwise. Plus, they wouldn’t make much profit.

I call this intelligent speculation, but it is just speculation.

What do you think?


(See dry emails below at your own risk.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The First Contact


I work with the Kindle Direct Publishing team and from time to time we reach out to our authors and publishers about participating in certain types of promotions.

We are considering including your books

The Light Who Shines (Bluebell Kildare Series Book 1) (B00HYH3ZU4)

in an upcoming promotion in some or all of the WW Amazon Kindle Book Stores. We would offer the books at a discount we determine off of your book’s list price for a period of up to approximately one month. Your list price won’t change, so that customers see your list price and the discount.

If your books are included, your royalty will be calculated based on our discounted price (not your list price), up to a discount of 85% off of your book’s list price. For example, if we sell your book at $1.99, where the 70% royalty option applies, your royalty will be calculated as 70% x ($1.99 – delivery costs and taxes). To be included in this promotion, your book must have a list price between $2.99 and $9.99.

The promotion will begin on a date we determine, which we anticipate to be at some point between October 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014.

Here are some other terms:

Not all books made available will be included, so we can’t guarantee yours will be, and we may discontinue the promotion at any time.

You must keep your book in the Kindle Store for at least 90 days after the promotion ends; you can’t un-publish it or terminate your participation in KDP during that period.

Due to system latencies, the exact start and end times of promotions are approximate and can take from a few minutes to several hours, but in some cases this period may be longer.

If you agree to participate, this email and the KDP Terms and Conditions will be the entire binding agreement between you and Amazon Digital Services, Inc. with regard to the promotion.

Except as provided in this email, the KDP Terms and Conditions apply to your book and this promotion.

If you represent a Publisher other than yourself, by agreeing to participate you also confirm that you are authorized to agree on behalf of the Publisher.

The list price you provide us with for titles submitted for this promotion must remain the same for the 30 days preceding the start of the promotion, during the promotion and for at least 7 days following the promotion. This means that titles included in Kindle Countdown Deals or Free Promotions in the 30 days preceding the start of the promotion will be ineligible for inclusion. Please also note that you will not be able to schedule a new Kindle Countdown Deal until at least 30 days after the end of the promotion. Any Kindle Countdown Deals scheduled during the promotion or during the 30 days following the end of the promotion will be cancelled and you may not be notified.

If you would like to participate in this promotion and agree to the terms above, please respond to this email stating: “I would like to participate and I agree to these terms.” 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Second Contact (You must really be a dedicated author if you are still reading!)


I’m reaching out to let you know that, barring any unforeseen changes, The Light Who Shines is scheduled to run as a Kindle Daily Deal on on 11/20.

It will be discounted to 1.99 for that day.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And now you know as much as I do! You have been “Illuminated!”

November 22nd, 2014|Author World, Publishing|593 Comments

Author Tip: Pin Your Promo Tweet Daily! Here’s Why…


Suspense - 1Here’s my promo tweet for the day. The rest of the pictures in this article are ugly, so I’m just sticking this in for effect. (wink) Now on to business . . .


Why Should You Pin a Promo Tweet Daily?

Let’s say I retweet you . . . I might. I retweet a lot of authors, particularly in the Urban Fantasy and similar genres, because my readers like that. Anyway, curious person that you are, you go to my Twitter profile to check me out. The very first thing you see is my pinned promo tweet. There is it, in full color, pinned right to the top of my Twitter profile page. You don’t have to scroll through pages and pages of retweets. You can easily thank me for retweeting you by retweeting me back. I love that by-the-way.

Pinned_Promo_TweetNow let’s say you retweet me. I, reciprocal retweeter that I am, go to your Twitter profile page. I scroll through pages and pages of retweets and can’t find your promo tweet. I leave dissatisfied and you just lost a retweet. Missed business opportunity…

Don’t do that!  Pin a new promo tweet daily to your Twitter profile! Why daily? Because once I retweet it, I can’t retweet it again, unless I unretweet it first.

How to Pin Your Tweet

1) Tweet it. Clearly it has to exist before it can be pinned.
2) Find it. Look in your Tweet feed.
3) Click on the “…” link or the “More” link (depending on if you opened the tweet or not.
4) Select “Pin to your profile page.”


The only bad news about this is that you can’t do it from many phones. I hear that you can do it on I-phones, but I’m not too technical, so I can’t guarantee anything. Check it out.

This will make it so much easier for authors who want to reciprocate and for your fans to retweet you. Including me!

If you found this article helpful, feel free to go to my profile and retweet my current promo. It will be easy to find, I promise you that. (Smile)


July 12th, 2014|Author World, Publishing|5,881 Comments