fantasy-579810_640We sold 33 books this weekend with the fundraiser!

Total royalty donation = $104 USD!

Right now the Leukemia and Lymphoma research is on the cusp of many great therapies that will save lives. Sometimes the society also helps with things like taxi’s to the hospital for treatment for those who have no transportation or paying co-pays for medicine for those below the poverty line.

Every bit helps.

I want to thank you all for helping me in this effort. I met a lot of wonderful new people and got to hang with some of my friends.

You all got to know a little more about me and my daughter. Plus, there are 33 more people out there now with The Light Who Shines in their hands, hopefully reading as I type!

This was my first internet fundraiser and I also had some lessons learned. Next time I do this, I’ll fill the event with fun, like quizzes and games and giveaways to build excitement that way. I’ll also make the duration shorter so we can keep the excitement high.

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey.
