30412506_sMy Dear Readers,

Since I hear on a daily basis how eager you are for book two, The Light Who Binds, I thought to keep you updated via this blog post.

Right now the outline for the entire series is complete, and I’m turning the book two outline into the first rough draft. As I complete chapters, I’ll list them here. Chapter names will change and order will switch around. When it’s complete, I still have many revisions and refinements to go.

Lately, I’ve been writing one chapter a night, but it will vary. With that said, here is where I stand.

Last updated: 6/13/2014  1:34 a.m.
Total words written: 23,690
Goal word count – 1st draft: 80,000
Goal word count – final: 100,000

Chapters in order:

  1. Dark Rays of Sunshine 
  2. Three Deaths 
  3. Seeking Wisdom 
  4. Foreboding News 
  5. Mystery Beneath Mystery 
  6. Circle of Fire 
  7. In The Dog House 
  8. Synchronous Burning
  9. A Diseased Tree
  10. Difficult Explanations
  11. Double Trouble 
  12. Immigration Issues 
  13. Interception

I’m not entirely sure if this will ease or tease your curiosity, but I hope you enjoy it either way!

Bookmark this blog and check for updates. I’ll try to update it nightly.

Outline (check!)
It is a rough plan of what happens to whom and where. Each day of the story has many scenes and each scene is a chapter. In my outline, each chapter only gets one bullet (paragraph) describing it. It allows me to think of the plot at a high level.

Rough Draft (in progress)
A rough draft is really the bones of the story. These are full chapters and expound on everything in the outline. Sometimes I have to stray from the outline when a chapter contains too much and needs to be broken down. Every chapter should have a logical focus and end point. But I don’t spend time on intricate descriptions or characterizations. My focus is on flushing out the plot.

P.S. If you stumbled on this blog post without having read book one of the Bluebell Kildare series, The Light Who Shines, you can check it out here: http://amzn.to/1eL48yy
