
If you are like me, the holiday season is a time of giving, but it strains the pocketbook. It also often gives you a lot of time off. Time to read that is!

But what to do when you want to read, but you spent so much money on others? As an Amazon Kindle Select member, I can only do a sale every so often. So, I saved my sale for the week between Christmas and New Years just for this situation. I’ve been broke after Christmas myself often enough that I know exactly how it is.

The Light Who Shines

On Sale: Only $1.99
When: Now through 12/31, Midnight
Regular Low Price: $4.99
Amazon Suggest Retail Price: $5.99!
Link: http://amzn.to/1wM9fGw

I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season.



P.S. If you have already read The Light Who Shines don’t forget, you have until December 28th to enter the Audio Giveaway! See this blog post for rules and how to enter: http://bit.ly/13EYtoU