Fan contests and giveaways.
You’re invited to All Hallows’ Reads

Every hour a different author takes center stage.
Each author will introduce you to their book world.
Then they’ll entertain you during the party in their own unique way.
Some of the things you can expect include:
Free Samples

On Facebook
Thursday, October 29, 2015
9:00 PM, EST
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Midnight, EST
To Join
Click this link to the Facebook party:
Click the “Join” button in the upper right hand corner of that Facebook page.
Bookmark the page.
Mark your calendar and on the day of, go back to that page.

My slots will be:
Thursday, October 29
11:00 PM EST
Saturday, October 31
2:00 PM EST
Time Zone Converter
I’ll be providing a free short story to all who come to my time slot.
I’m also planning fun games that will have full novels awarded as the prize.
If you are a current fan of the Bluebell Kildare Series, some of the prizes that you can choose will be fan memorabilia.

This is my biggest event of the year and will be enjoyable for both current fans and new readers.
I hope you’ll join me and find some new favorite authors too!
Link to my books.

Hot Deals
This is where I list all my sales, giveaways, and contests. So if you are a super coupon shopper and deal guru (like my sister!) keep an eye on this page.
Author Spotlight and Giveaway of THE LIGHT WHO SHINES
Over the holidays while everyone was busy with their new toys, I was working diligently on Book Two of the Bluebell Kildare Series, The Light Who Binds, and going back and forth with Author Jane Bled, on an in-depth interview.
The interview is done and done quite well, in my humble opinion. I love Jane’s style. She asked one question at a time and waited for my response before moving on to the next. This process took several weeks and was accomplished over a massive family holiday and through a bout of the flu. I hope you are feeling better Jane!
About Jane Bled
If you don’t know Jane, I’d best describe her as someone extremely artsy with an exquisite sense of detail. She describes herself as “a fiction writer with the soul of a poet.” I have a feeling that everything she completes is done for the joy of the beauty she creates. She only completes one Author Spotlight a month, so I’m extremely honored she chose to spend her time with me.
What the Interview Covers
The interview itself covers a great span of topics, from my marketing methods, my philosophy on labeling people, insights into my characters and what drives them, my own secret mark, my reading habits, and two short excerpts from The Light Who Shines.
If you are interested in reading the interview, you can do so here:
Giveaway of The Light Who Shines
If you comment on the interview (link above) before the deadline on January 21, 2015, you will automatically be entered to win a copy of The Light Who Shines. Scroll all the way down the page to the very end to comment.
Warm regards and good luck!
THE LIGHT WHO SHINES: Holiday Sale! $1.99
If you are like me, the holiday season is a time of giving, but it strains the pocketbook. It also often gives you a lot of time off. Time to read that is!
But what to do when you want to read, but you spent so much money on others? As an Amazon Kindle Select member, I can only do a sale every so often. So, I saved my sale for the week between Christmas and New Years just for this situation. I’ve been broke after Christmas myself often enough that I know exactly how it is.
The Light Who Shines
On Sale: Only $1.99
When: Now through 12/31, Midnight
Regular Low Price: $4.99
Amazon Suggest Retail Price: $5.99!
I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season.
P.S. If you have already read The Light Who Shines don’t forget, you have until December 28th to enter the Audio Giveaway! See this blog post for rules and how to enter:
Happy Holidays! 10 Free Audible Versions of THE LIGHT WHO SHINES for Current Fans!

The audio book regularly retails for $24.95 and is 14 hours and 25 minutes long.
Here are the rules:
- You must have already read The Light Who Shines. This is a gift to current fans as a thank you for your support.
- You must have already reviewed The Light Who Shines on Amazon (regardless of the rating, so long as it was honest). This is because I want assurance that you really will leave a review of the Audible version on If you’ve read it, but you haven’t reviewed it yet on Amazon, it isn’t too late. Go review it on Amazon!
- You must agree to listen to and leave the review of the audio version on within 2 weeks of receiving the coupon (but sooner is better!)
- You must enter the drawing by leaving a comment on this blog post with a link to the review of the book that you already left on Amazon. (Click on the title of your review. Then click on “Permalink”. Then copy and paste the URL into the comments.) Entries without the link won’t be accepted.
I’ll randomly select 10 people from the comments section (assuming I have that many interested parties.)
I’ll accept entries until Sunday, December 28th at 8:00 p.m. EST. I’ll announce the winners then.
The purpose of this is naturally to get reviews on the Audible version, so I’d really like your review to contain some focus on the narration as opposed to just a copy/paste of your book review. That way future Audible listeners will know what to expect.
And for all my dear readers who already bought the Audible version, I am so sorry! I didn’t know these coupons were coming. Big bummer.
To learn more about the Audible Version, see this blog post.
Listen to the sample here.
Happy Holidays and Best of Luck!
The Giveaway is now closed! Thank you to all who participated. I’ll contact each of you individually with you coupon for the free Audio. Happy Holidays!
Chills and Thrills Giveaway!
Happy Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Festivus, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, New Year, and National Fruitcake Day! Or any other holiday that you celebrate this time of year. If you know me, even causally through my Facebook account or other social media, you will know that respect for diversity is important to me.
Personally, the holidays mean family time, great food, and a chance to buy my family what I think they need. Sometimes, I even pay attention to what they want. Sometimes, not so much. (wink) But giving is always more fun for me than receiving. I’m notoriously bad at remembering birthdays, so I try to make up for it this time of year.
This year we are doing casual Mexican fare for Christmas. Though I’m not religious, I consider religious holidays to be a cultural event, and wherever there is good food and fun, I’m happy to show up!
In the spirit of giving, I, along with 11 other authors have joined together to do a Holiday Giveaway. Each author is giving away a book and a side gift. There are some really great books and fun gifts here. It is open to international and if any gifts are out of stock at the time the winners are selected, comparable gifts will be given.
Please share this giveaway with others you think might be interested. The winners will be announced on December 23, 2014.
Happy Holidays!
(Update: Giveaway currently closed.)
The Light Who Shines: Amazon Special Price – One Day Only $1.99
Amazon has awarded The Light Who Shines a super special Kindle Daily Deal. The price has been marked down to $1.99 for one day only. Be sure to grab a copy while you can!
The Light Who Shines
Thursday, November 20th, 2014Genre: Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance / Mystery (Solid Blend)
Amazon Link:
When Supernatural Investigation Bureau agent Bluebell Kildare (a.k.a. Blue) arrives at the scene of the crime, it’s obvious the grotesquely damaged body of the deceased teenage boy was caused by far more than a simple hit and run; and she vows to catch the killer. Using her innate sixth sense, Blue uncovers a powerful magical artifact nearby. She soon discovers it acts as a key to an ancient Grimoire that was instrumental in the creation of the Vampire breed and still holds the power to unravel the boundaries between Earth and the Plane of Fire.
Blue and her clever wolf Varg follow a trail that starts at the Cock and Bull Tap and leads all through the town of Crimson Hollow. Between being sidelined by a stalker who sticks to the shadows and chasing a suspect who vanishes in thin air, the case is getting complicated. If that isn’t enough, Dark Vampire activity hits a record high, and hate crimes are increasing. However, it’s Blue’s growing feelings for Jack Tanner, her sexy Daylight Vampire boss, that just might undo her.
While Blue searches for clues to nail the perpetrator, it seems someone else is conducting a search of their own. Who will find whom first?
Danger lurks in every corner, and Blue needs all her focus in this increasingly dangerous game or she risks ending up the next victim.
Character Profiles
Bluebell Kildare: Blue is a Supernatural Homicide Detective and a gifted empath who has a pure spirit and a will of steel. She was orphaned at a young age and has had a tough life so far. Yet, she continually picks herself up by the boot straps and fights to do what is right, regardless of the cost. Just how high will the cost be?
Jack Tanner: He’s Blue’s sexy boss, the head of the Supernatural Homicide Unit in Crimson Hollow. Jack is very old and powerful Daylight Vampire with many layers. He is driven a little crazy by his desire to protect Blue in the face of her independence. Can he keep his cool when Blue needs him most?
Varg: He is a great grey wolf who comes out of nowhere and decides to be Blue’s companion. He seems to have some mysterious magical abilities and uses them to guard Blue’s life. Can he keep her safe?
Maud: She is Blue’s dear friend and mother figure. Maud used to visit Blue in the orphanage and read to her as a child. She can’t cook but she makes awesome Southern beverages. What color is her hair today? Is it blue, fuchsia, scarlet, or peach sherbet?
Alexis: She is Blue’s comrade and neighbor, as well as the sassy owner of a store called Herbal Enchantments. She is gifted in earth magic and if she isn’t busy feeding her friends, she’s telling them what to do. Does she have her hands on her hips right now, or is she waving her finger at Blue?
The Villain: Can he get any more evil? No. He is about as evil as they come . . .
One of My Favorite Amazon Reviews
Brilliant story
By jazz
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I can’t praise this book highly enough.It was absolutely riveting. I have read thousands of books in my life and this one is one of the best.The only negative comment I can make is that I now have to wait for the next one in what I hope will be a very long series.I wish I could gobble up the whole story immediately.If you like urban fantasy (or even if you don’t usually) this is a must read. Blue is up there with Mercy, Kate, and Harry. D. as a wonderful character already along with the rest of the cast in this delightful book.If you are looking for the next big thing in urban fantasy you have just found it.
Review Link
Author Bio
Lilo Abernathy is a somewhat eccentric, deep-thinking, warm-hearted young woman of at least 43 years. She started out as a restaurant chain hostess and worked her way up to the exciting world of global mergers and acquisitions. She has enjoyed an on again/off again relationship with formal education and has been affectionately referred to as information hound. In the evenings, she fills her writing breaks by scanning the internet for answers to provocative questions, such as: “What causes diamonds to be formed in different colors?”
One thing that never changes is Lilo’s ongoing love affair with books. A born bibliophile, by age ten she finished all the children’s books in the house and started devouring the adult section. By age 15, she was working her way through grocery store book aisles and libraries. Just as Picasso had his blue period, Lilo had her own periods of readership–urban fantasy, paranormal romance, Gothic novels, etc. Now she’s planning on creating a bookshelf for you to enjoy.
Social Networks
Facebook Page:
Site and Blog
Thank you!
Ghoulishly Good Giveaway: Announcing Winners!
I know everyone wanted the awesome lollipops, but in the end, there could be only one. So, without further ado, I’ll announce the winners!
Prize 1
Prize 2
Congrats Arriane and Stephanie! I hope your prizes bring you hours of enjoyment.
I still haven’t decided if I’m going to buy myself some of those lollipops. I’ve included the links to the prizes incase any of you are feeling so bereft you must indulge yourself (wink). Wouldn’t it be great to suck on an eyeball lollipop while reading The Light Who Shines? You know it would.
I hope you took the chance to check out some of the great books that were included. There are a lot of talented authors out there waiting for you to discover them.
Thank you all so much for participating. Be sure to follow my blog. There will be plenty more giveaways to come!
Ghoulishly Good Giveaway! (and eyeball lollipops)
You may not know this, but Halloween is my favorite holiday. It isn’t expensive, it involves copious amounts of chocolate, and people dress up funny. Plus, I have fond memories of getting caught drunk on Halloween by my parents, at a way too young age. (Don’t try that at home kids.) Anyway, what’s not to love?
Then there are those horrid one-liner jokes . . .
- What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? A hoblin goblin of course!
- What does a skeleton order at a restaurant? Spare ribs, rare.
To prevent me from turning your brain into a spongy mush, without further ado, I’d like to share a Ghoulishly Good Giveaway.
12 authors are giving away two prizes each. One prize is a supernatural / paranormal read and the other is a Halloween themed gift. That means there will be 24 winners! I picked a half-dozen gourmet eyeball lollipops as my gift. I soooo want them myself, but I guess I’ll give them to a winner. Aren’t you just itching to suck on an eyeball?
My prizes are Global. The rest are US, Canada, and UK
Scroll through the pictures at the top of the Rafflecopter to scope out the goods.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Rafflecopter ends at Midnight on Halloween.
Happy Best Holiday Ever!
BookCase Big Giveaway: Books, Books, Books!
Win ebooks, print books, even autographed copies.
Free to enter:
Try your luck!
These are the books involved:
Dead Medium
by Peter John
Dark Comedy, Ghosts & Haunted Houses
The Light Who Shines
by Lilo Abernathy
Urban Fantasy, Mystery, Paranormal Romance
Dead Shambles
by Chris Raven
Comedy, Horror
Coast to Coast Paranormal Investigations: The Journey Underneath
by Carolyn Bennett
Contemporary, Mystery
Man Hunt
by K. Edwin Fritz
Thriller, Suspense, Science Fiction, Dystopian
Woman Scored
by K. Edwin Fritz
Thriller, Suspense, Science Fiction, Dystopian
Tainted Lies
by Shemeka Mitchell
Romance, Urban
Everlasting Love
by Shemeka Mitchell
Romance, Urban
Blind Trust
by Shemeka Mitchell
Romance, Urban
by Shemeka Mitchell
Romance, Erotica
Kindle Countdown Deal for The Light Who Shines – US
April 11, – April 18, 2014, Friday – Friday
The Light Who Shines discounted to $0.99 on April 11.
The Light Who Shines discounted to $1.99 on April 15.
The Light Who Shines discounted to $2.99 on April 16.
The Light Who Shines discounted to $3.99 on April 17.
The Light Who Shines returns to normal price on April 18.
THE LIGHT WHO SHINES – Big Sale Today! (Urban/Dark Fantasy)
4.8 Stars | Urban/Dark Fantasy
magic | murder | mystery | mayhem | vampires | wolf
Meet Bluebell Kildare (a.k.a. Blue) and her cast of friends for an 80% discount.
- Blue, the heroine, is a smart and gritty detective, determined to catch her perp. regardless of the price.
- Her counterpart, the lethal day-walking vampire Jack Tanner, has broad shoulders, burnished gold curls, and a predatory green-eyed stare. Does he want Blue or not?
- Blue is joined on her hunt by her faithful companion and oh-so-clever wolf Varg! Does Varg have some mysterious powers?
- Don’t forget Maud with her kaleidoscope hair! Is it fuchsia, peach, blue, or scarlet today?
Adult Content: Recommended for ages 17+ for sex and violence. Not for the faint of heart. This is no cozy mystery folks! It is Urban Fantasy that crosses into mystery, romance, and has a dark side.
Readers keep saying they want more. Check out the reviews. Don’t miss this deal!
Amazon US link: click here
Amazon UK link: click here
Goodreads Giveaway Announcement
Giveaway: The Light Who Shines
Enter to win one free autographed copy of the 6 x 9 print novel (472 pages).
Book Giveaway! The Light Who Shines ($18.99 value)
I am currently offering three FREE print copies in a Goodreads Giveaway.
Title: The Light Who Shines
Author: Lilo Abernathy
- Autographed Copy
- 447 pages (over 136,000 words)
- Debut Novel
- Goodreads rating is 4.56 stars
Deadline: Midnight on February 25.
Requirements: You simply log into your Goodreads account and click to enter. Available to participants in the following countries:
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Australia
Goodreads Entry Link: click here
The first ten chapters are free on my website: click here